Scott MacPherson
has over a decade of experience representing clients before the IRS and numerous state taxing authorities in all stages of civil controversy: audit, assessment, appeal, collection, lien/levy, Offers in Compromise (OIC), Installment Agreements (IA), Currently Not Collectible (CNC) status, Collection Due Process Appeals Hearings (CDPH), Tax Court, and circuit courts of appeals.
Scott has been a featured speaker at the Tax Freedom Institute’s annual Taxpayer’s Defense Conference and since 2013 has been an editor of and contributor to the monthly newsletter, which is circulated to tax professionals around the country.
Scott’s criminal and appellate work includes about 30 Criminal Justice Act (court-appointed) briefs to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and U.S. Supreme Court, including representation of an accused terrorist.
Scott worked for nearly three years in civil litigation in the Arizona Attorney General’s Office. He also worked as a software developer for defense contractors TRW and Northrop Grumman for seven years, where he programmed in six computer languages on three operating systems.
Scott is a prolific writer, having edited two books on federal tax law, written a feature article for a Scottish heritage magazine, two articles for a martial arts magazine, three online articles for examiner.com and three for eHow.com. He has also written and self-published two books. Scott’s hobby for the last two decades has been martial arts, and since 2004 he has been a discussion moderator on martialartsplanet.com.
In 2015-16 Scott was a teacher/facilitator of substance abuse classes twice a week for a state-licensed counseling facility. He still covers occasionally as a substitute teacher.
Scott holds an M.S. in mathematics from Purdue University, a J.D. from Chapman University, and is licensed to practice law in Arizona, California, and the District of Columbia.
Scott and his wife live in Arizona and have three children.